Quality of meals Quality of mealsPoorAverageGoodExcellentQuality of dining experience Quality of dining experiencePoorAverageGoodExcellentNutritional needs are supported Nutritional needs are supportedPoorAverageGoodExcellentStaff are respectful, willing to help, pleasant Staff are respectful, willing to help, pleasantPoorAverageGoodExcellentNursing is knowledgeable about medical care Nursing is knowledgeable about medical carePoorAverageGoodExcellentNursing is knowledgeable about treatment techniques Nursing is knowledgeable about treatment techniquesPoorAverageGoodExcellentThe staff have personal knowledge about the choices and needs of your loved ones The staff have personal knowledge about the choices and needs of your loved onesPoorAverageGoodExcellentRehabilitation Therapy Rehabilitation TherapyPoorAverageGoodExcellentNurse Aide Care (C. Medication Aide, C. Nursing Aide) Nurse Aide Care (C. Medication Aide, C. Nursing Aide)PoorAverageGoodExcellentNurse Care (Charge Nurse, Care Coordinators - RN+LPN) Nurse Care (Charge Nurse, Care Coordinators - RN+LPN)PoorAverageGoodExcellentStaff show care and concern for your loved one Staff show care and concern for your loved onePoorAverageGoodExcellentStaff are respectful and responsive to family Staff are respectful and responsive to familyPoorAverageGoodExcellentStaff keep you informed about general care information and care changes Staff keep you informed about general care information and care changesPoorAverageGoodExcellentAdministrator/Business Staff responds to you in a timely fashion Administrator/Business Staff responds to you in a timely fashionPoorAverageGoodExcellentStaff treat your loved one with dignity and respect Staff treat your loved one with dignity and respectPoorAverageGoodExcellentCare plan meetings are helpful in supporting resident choices and care needs Care plan meetings are helpful in supporting resident choices and care needsPoorAverageGoodExcellentStaff show respect for privacy Staff show respect for privacyPoorAverageGoodExcellentResidents' personal needs are met (pain management, assistance with daily hygiene, bathing, etc) Residents' personal needs are met (pain management, assistance with daily hygiene, bathing, etc)PoorAverageGoodExcellentSafety of facility Safety of facilityPoorAverageGoodExcellentSecurity of personal belongings Security of personal belongingsPoorAverageGoodExcellentSecurity of personal belongings Security of personal belongingsPoorAverageGoodExcellentCleanliness of premises Cleanliness of premisesPoorAverageGoodExcellentNursing home appeal Nursing home appealPoorAverageGoodExcellentQuality of laundry services Quality of laundry servicesPoorAverageGoodExcellentReligious/Spiritual opportunities Religious/Spiritual opportunitiesPoorAverageGoodExcellentSocial Services is responsive to your loved one's needs/requests Social Services is responsive to your loved one's needs/requestsPoorAverageGoodExcellentActivities meets your loved one's choice and are meaningful and enjoyable Activities meets your loved one's choice and are meaningful and enjoyablePoorAverageGoodExcellentYour loved one feels part of the community Your loved one feels part of the communityPoorAverageGoodExcellentYour loved one feels part of the community Your loved one feels part of the communityPoorAverageGoodExcellentRecommendation to others Recommendation to othersPoorAverageGoodExcellentOverall satisfaction Overall satisfactionPoorAverageGoodExcellentWhat would YOU like to see improved at Wesley Towers? What would YOU like to see improved at Wesley Towers?What do YOU like best about Wesley Towers? What do YOU like best about Wesley Towers?